Location: England / Japan.
Loves: my partner, fashion, colours, gachapin, candy, japan
Hates: rain, self centered people, liars, bitter tastes
Hobbies: blogging, sleeping, teaching english to boo,
studying pointless japanese phrases, baking, travel.
Blog Content: personal thoughts, shopping GETS!, work, etc --
my blog doesn't have a set theme, please enjoy the show!
please excuse the romance, and admire my ignorance.
PIECElang ♪ コドモドラゴン ♪ N@H ♪ Zip.er
ASTRO BOY ♪ 「東京指定」 ♪ LANDZ ♪ ν[NEU]
PIECElang ♪ コドモドラゴン ♪ N@H ♪ Zip.er
ASTRO BOY ♪ 「東京指定」 ♪ LANDZ ♪ ν[NEU]
Interested in other music? Visit here @ LastFM
Style: Listen Flavor, CO&LU, W♥C, galaxxxy, Monomania,
anything cute, colourful or creative.
Influences: DJ☆ぴんぴん, 川端かなこ, ゆっけ@MNA,
Maimai, あきぷー,聖-sei-@VoW
a lot of street snaps also encourage my style.
Contact: kazukeii@hotmail.com