LINE Play is another game instalment from a Japanese based company called NAVER; which have released numerous games for users of LINE which is a messenger service enabling you free messages and calls; it's a bit like Skype however there isn't a video call option, but you are able to send a very small video as a message! LINE is massively expanding with plenty of games, cameras and more! o(≧▽≦)o
Living in a virtual world means you also get to decorate your own house too!! I have come across a couple flaws when decorating the house, one major personal peeve would be the windows showing a changed scenery outside however the default lawn is still surrounding the house. Maybe in the future the game will expand? I hope so! (´ω`;)
LINE Play has it's own currency called 'gems' which are easily earned by giving (and receiving) hearts at a simple tap of another players avatar. Your avatar may also request certain functions: sleep, eat, bathe or sit. Which you can do within your own home, or visit others. But don't worry! The avatar you visit will not see you bathing in their chocolate drill bathtub, (yes it is actually an item, and yes you bathe in chocolate). The gems are a slow income and considering most items cost 500 gems or more it can be a major pain in the ass. You can however use real money to buy game gems - depending on how much of a keen Gamer you are. A little patience goes a long way.
My avatar; yes, she is always grumpy.
My LINE invite is: GR-1803-4306
Please feel free to use my invite code! You will earn 1,000 gems for each code you input, remember how hard it is to earn gems? (`・ω・´)=3
In this little virtual world you are given a diary by default. You can upload your own personal photos; snapshots of your avatar and write as you would in a diary. When you visit other houses you can write in their diary and leave 'stickers' for how interesting you find the post! Cute. (∩・o・∩) You can communicate with other users in the Chat Rooms; but I avoid these because they are usually a spam chain of people posting their invite code in hopes of making some gems easily. Maybe sometimes it's successful?
Overall, LINE Play is a cute little avatar based game which is fun and great to pass the time with! (*ノω\*)♪ I want to introduce my Boyfriend to it, but I don't think he will have time for this game unless I force him to download it. (´Д` ) But for now, lets all play together.