26 February 2013

☆ LINE Play ☆

I recently got hooked on a new mobile based game! It's called LINE Play and it's a lot like Ameba PIGG or Ameba PIGG life or those other PIGG games I fail to keep up to date with!
LINE Play is another game instalment from a Japanese based company called NAVER; which have released numerous games for users of LINE which is a messenger service enabling you free messages and calls; it's a bit like Skype however there isn't a video call option, but you are able to send a very small video as a message! LINE is massively expanding with plenty of games, cameras and more! o(≧▽≦)o
   LINE Play is an absolutely adorable game; you get to customise your Avatar to whatever your preference, you also can chose between beind a Human or "Anthro" (Human with Animal like qualities) Those who chose Anthro generally have no gender identity in the Game.
   Living in a virtual world means you also get to decorate your own house too!! I have come across a couple flaws when decorating the house, one major personal peeve would be the windows showing a changed scenery outside however the default lawn is still surrounding the house. Maybe in the future the game will expand? I hope so! (´ω`;)
   LINE Play has it's own currency called 'gems' which are easily earned by giving (and receiving) hearts at a simple tap of another players avatar. Your avatar may also request certain functions: sleep, eat, bathe or sit. Which you can do within your own home, or visit others. But don't worry! The avatar you visit will not see you bathing in their chocolate drill bathtub, (yes it is actually an item, and yes you bathe in chocolate). The gems are a slow income and considering most items cost 500 gems or more it can be a major pain in the ass. You can however use real money to buy game gems - depending on how much of a keen Gamer you are. A little patience goes a long way.
My avatar; yes, she is always grumpy.
My LINE invite is: GR-1803-4306 

   Please feel free to use my invite code! You will earn 1,000 gems for each code you input, remember how hard it is to earn gems? (`・ω・´)=3
   In this little virtual world you are given a diary by default. You can upload your own personal photos; snapshots of your avatar and write as you would in a diary. When you visit other houses you can write in their diary and leave 'stickers' for how interesting you find the post! Cute. (∩・o・∩) You can communicate with other users in the Chat Rooms; but I avoid these because they are usually a spam chain of people posting their invite code in hopes of making some gems easily. Maybe sometimes it's successful?

   Overall, LINE Play is a cute little avatar based game which is fun and great to pass the time with! (*ノω\*)♪ I want to introduce my Boyfriend to it, but I don't think he will have time for this game unless I force him to download it. (´Д` ) But for now, lets all play together.

14 February 2013

(*ノωノ) Happy Valentines Day

(つ∀`*) Happy Valentine's Day~ To all my readers! (´ω`%)

I actually don't enjoy this day - but each to their own! Despite having a Boyfriend, I don't really 'celebrate' Valentine's Day and see it as one of the (many) pointless holidays the media says we should enjoy. Time will tell if my Boyfriend does believe in such a date; however he is Japanese so they sort of have 'two' Valentine's day. Valentine's is mostly Female giving a present to the male, and White Day is the reverse! Cute.

Anyway; here - there and everywhere I get questions about my Boyfriend, my relationship with him; etc etc. So I decided to answer a couple questions since the theme is all about 'love' and I usually grossly object to such thing, especially publicly. (My BFFLs know evurrrryting) 

1) How did you meet your Boyfriend?
Long story short - Internet, by chance that he noticed me. We agreed to meet in Japan last year of March. But things didn't turn official (I assume) until I got home in England when he asked if I had a Boyfriend or not. That is pretty much when everything became official.

2) First date and where?
(Actually, this question was 'have you ever been on a date?' since we are a LDR)
Our first 'date' was in March when we met, we went drinking in Shinjuku. We were limited for time, and we were super nervous so we hardly spoke much and used a phone to translate. He did however walk me to my train and tried to pay for my ticket -- sweet.

3) Favourite memory / date?
We have made many-many memories together! I couldn't name just one! Although the best memory would be the BBQ last summer. I finally officially became part of his Friendship circle, and I was able to see him as he is around his Friends. We also did fireworks this night too; and we did our best to make 'wishes'. 
Favourite date: perhaps the aquarium. It was so nice!! We laughed at so many of the strange fishes, and you know really, it's the little things that count. Also the town we passed through to get there was beautiful, it did feel like an English fishing dock and it honestly felt surreal!

4) What do you like and dislike about him?
I'll start with 'dislike' -- as most men, he has 'caveman syndrome'! If something is wrong or he is sick he will sulk in his cave. This will worry me because of the distance and I'm not there to help him. But I respect the fact cultural difference make this what it is.
What do I like -- EVERYTHING (apart from the above) he's so caring, if I ever said I had stomach ache; seriously, he would do anything possible to make me feel better. He will always do his best for everyone, I really admire his get-up-and-go attitude, it's inspirational.

5) What did his Parents / Family think of you when you met?
This will be lenghty but amusing. 
   To be honest actually; meeting his Family ended up disastrously! I arrived in Japan and we had to leave the Car at his Parents; his Mother was just leaving to walk the dog -- and then his Father came home from work. I was still sat in the car having some mild panic attack and EVERYTHING Japanese just exited my mind! I was not at all prepared to meet them so soon. I actually was fixed to my seat in fear until they had gone.
   Finally, I met his Brother and Sister; (same day) I panicked again. But this night I also met Kanako; she speaks English slightly so it was a very good ice breaker to our Friendship. His Brother and Sister are very sweet; and I commented on his Sisters harem pants to which she asked to go shopping. PANIC. 
   I agreed to go shopping only; we ended up at his Parents house - AGAIN, without my Boyfriend. I wanted to cry because I didn't want to be alone (I was with his Sister) however surprisingly, having the family pet with me eased me. Again, second meeting with his Parents and I looked shellshocked and scared. 
   EVENTUALLY; I did meet with them officially (numerous times) with my Boyfriend and EVERYTHING was good. They had known about me since March and seemed to want to meet me. His Mother asked a lot of questions; why I liked her son, as most Mothers do. But they really found me interesting as well as English culture. I really love his Family, and I couldn't thank them enough for everything they did.

There you have it~ I only answered five which are the most common. I have had various questions such as: language barrier, future, kinks/turn ons, kisses, his home, peeves, favourites this/that... I probably will focus on a language barrier question in the future, since it's one not only Friends ask, but Family too. One question I have gotten a couple times: 'Can I see a photo of you and him together?'
There.. now hush. I am only showing purikura because it makes my skin look better HAH.

13 February 2013

† RIP †

 †  RIP : Nancy  2013 2 11 †

3 February 2013

Setsubun 節分

(。・`ω´・。)<鬼は外! 福は内!!

Today in Japan is 'SETSUBUN' - while browsing my Twitter feed I noticed a couple of my Japanese Friends had tweeted "節分" and others had also followed the pattern so I was curious of course as I love Japan and I love learning new things!

So what is 'SETSUBUN'? - it roughly translates as "season" and "minute" which doesn't make much sense really; thought 'SETSUBUN' is to celebrate the last day before the start of Spring, slowly, it begins to make sense? It is celebrated yearly on February 3, in a sense you could call this 'Spring Cleaning' just the Japanese way.
Setsubun is actually a festival commonly known where occupants of a house will throw beans outside the door of the household. This ritual is called 'MAMEMAKI' (豆撒き) and it's believed to cleanse away the bad and ill health of the previous year, and to also drive away any more bad luck, thus making your year to come full of good will and health! Although this is not common in most households now; so many people now attend their local shrine or temple.
It is also customary to eat roasted soybeans; one for each year of your own life! For an extra pinch of luck, you are also welcome to eat one extra bean!

I didn't think my Boyfriend would do this, as I read many households it is not common, however I asked him more about this; and he said he did in fact do it, and asked we will do it one day together! How cute is that! I told him in England we don't have such interesting customary, and I don't think my Parents would appreciate me throwing beans outside the house and slamming doors on evil spirits.. so perhaps I will just tidy my room quietly to move the bad energy away.

You can read more about Setsubun at Wikipedia!

2 February 2013

(。・ω・。) FABruary

I got this blog idea from Sarah; who got the idea from someone else, anyone else see a pattern? Hopefully my post will inspire someone else? Who knows! Anyway; basically this post is looking back on January, as well as making goals for February.

If I am honest, I am glad that January is over with, I did very little in January, and nothing amazingly big that I can look back on and think 'Wow! Go me!' I did however meet Toni in town. Which is maybe the best and only good thing to happen in January. Seriously I can not even remember a single thing I did in January. Apart from it snowing, lots and lots - which everyone complained about, but I loved it. I love snow. It also snowed in Japan, so I had a couple videos sent from my Boyfriend. We also had a 'Snowman building competition' which, his were just two snowballs stacked on top of one another.

My ten February goals will mainly be Japanese focused, so maybe to you they are pointless.

☆ Learn one or more kanji a day: tricky but not impossible.
☆ Learn one or more 'daily words': sounds pointless, but really useful.
☆ Learn one or more useful phrases a week.
☆ Keep up with my studying.
☆ Save for my next trip! Difficult, I'm in a total slump and hate everything.
☆ Clean my room and rearrange certain things until I am happy.
☆ Fix my wardrobe: stupid flat pack wardrobes! The back fell off. 
☆ Help/Pester my Father to tidy the attic to gather jumble to sell.
☆ Skype at least ONCE with my Boyfriend and Friends.
☆ Stay happy with myself.

I think one must have this month is getting to sleep earlier and waking up earlier. But it's so tempting to sit around waiting for my Boyfriend to say 'GOOD MORNING!' before I say 'GOOD NIGHT!' (ノ∀\ )
Catching each other online the past few weeks has been very limited; and sometimes I wish we exchanged mail instead of Line messages because a whole paragraph in mail seems bigger; although we do talk a lot more via Line. But he is very busy with work and I need to understand that. Just one of the woes with having an LDR; my only complaint.

Recently I've been watching a Vlogger; and she is really becoming inspirational to me. Though I cannot explain how or why I like her videos either, because it's incredibly -- strange. Only a couple people know who I am talking about.
I also really wish Youtube allowed users to change their URL name.. I don't want to create a new channel, but I do want to start a vlog, perhaps. I feel full of motivation, but it's just not coming out as I want it to. Now I am so tired so; good night!