Aug 15 2012: I had the choice of, shopping in Shibuya or visiting the aquarium at Yokohama. (*/∇\*)Considering I can go to Shibuya whenever, we agreed the aquarium would be much better~ We set off, stopping by at the conbini before getting onto the 'sealine train' for another small journey to our destination. Boy was this day hot!!
Aquarium Museum, we headed to this building first to get out of the heat, though it wasn't that much cooler inside either! Inside were various tanks, the first one had this HUGE Whale inside and you realise just how big these creatures are when you're stood in front of them. ((@__@)) The Penguin tanks were HUGE with so many of them too! I love Penguins, but they were so hard to capture on camera, as many of the signs said 'no flash photography' (well of course people still used flash uh).
The Polar bear there looked absolutely depressed and bored out of it's poor skull, this is why I generally dislike Zoos of the sort, some Animals look miserable as sin. However, life for the Polar bear could be much-much worse considering the environmental changes, at least he's getting a meal daily. (_ _ ||)
The museum was on two levels, the escalators were through a giant tunnel so you had fish of all kinds swimming beside you, above you - all around you! Those Stingray were MASSIVE too. There was another tunnel later in the day which was a smaller aquarium called 'Dolphin Fantasy' and you were surrounded by Dolphins. It was so magical, inside was this HUGE Ocean Sunfish too, I find these hilarious. I first found out about them playing Nintendo game Animal Crossing, seriously - go and google Ocean Sunfish.
After exploring the Aquarium Museum, we took a walk to find some place to eat and drink, I used one of my Boyfriends gatsby cooling wipes, they're so refreshing until the mint takes over and you feel like your skin is on fire. (T A T) We went to look at some of the shops there to buy gifts, I found my Brother a cute gift. I was going to buy him Dolphin cookies, the expiry date was 2013 but -- I read they had red bean paste inside. Nope.
We had an all day pass, which allowed us to see all the events that day which included this in the above photo! I have never been to one of these shows before so I was as captivated as much as the Children there. She danced with the Sealion and played pranks on the Guy sat on the chair. At one point he fell into the water and had the Sealion rescue him! Out came this even bigger Sealion and gave him CPR to save him. So cute.
Once the entertainment with the Sealions ended out came two Dolphins which performed acts with two swimmers, such as balancing, racing and waving to the audience at the side. I took a couple videos which I have uploaded to my Facebook account.
There were two Dolphin acts, which six Dolphins came out to perform tricks such as 'moonwalking' on the water, diving and somersaults! Again, amazing, I love every moment of the show, even if I could understand just a little. I've also realised during my stay in Yokohama, that it's very Hawaiian themed! We have yet to go to the beach and two hours on my flight to Japan I realised I hadn't packed my bikini. HA.
When the show ended we went back out into the heat. There was a Pirate ride behind us so we both turned and went 'Rojak!' despite it being only a skull and crossbone on the ride. Moments shared like this amuse me.
We still had one area left to go, called Fureal Lagoon. He asked me if I was comfortable with touching the animals, since it was basically like a petting zoo. Of course during the video of rules etc; it made you believe you could actually touch a Dolphin, and I know people pay hundreds to just pet a Dolphin on the side. Sadly, there were no Dolphins, but we did get to pet a Killer Whale! It was so strange and rubbery but smooth, it's teacher then instructed it to do a kind of 'body slam' and so we all got KO'd with a tidal wave of water.
The Fureal Lagoon was probably aimed at Children mostly, as there was a Sakana Pool (Fish Pool) where you could fish and pick up other small creatures. You could also pet Penguins and the Sealions! We got our photo taken with a Sealion, it's so cute and a great memory for the day! The Sealion was so fluffy and rubbery too, I wanted to roll on him and hug him. (*・ω・*)
It was slowly starting to get dark, and we were both feeling a little tired so we decided to head back home. However we got distracted by crepes, so I ordered us both a crepe each and we sat watching this ride while being dared to go on it. I would, but he wouldn't. Boo~~ eventually we did leave and headed back.
If anyone of my readers comes to Yokohama to stay, I really suggest going here! It's wonderful~